This competition is a team application, with each school represented by a team of delegates. Schools have to send 3 delegates accompanied by 1 teacher.
Fill in all the forms here: Each team submits forms for 3 delegates and 1 assisting teacher. Compile all completed forms into one file and submit it via email to the Muskitnas MUN 2024 committee:
Use the following subject line: Your School Name_Delegates Application for Muskitnas MUN 2024
Make sure to fill out all sections of the form. You will receive a confirmation email upon successful submission of your application. If you don’t receive a confirmation email within 3 days, please resend your application.
For detailed information about the conference, please click here.
Please note: Attendance at the pre-event meetings, whether online or offline, is absolutely mandatory. By applying as delegates, you are committing to attending these meetings.